Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting a BlackBerry-On time management

A close of mine whom was just promoted to be the Sales Director of an advertising agency will be getting a Blackberry.

He is thrilled and excited. The new toy will enable him to reach the whole world and the world can keep sending sms, e-mails to him.

To me that is a daunting situation to be. How many times our discussion with colleagues are interrupted when the phone rings. With the Blackberry, there are influx of e-mails, sms, etc all demanding our attentions.

Perhaps is the age factor but i cannot but to notice the younger, tech-savvy new tends to believe the below statement:-

BlackBerry in one hand, phone in the other, eyes fixed on several of the 15 windows open on his laptop screen: today's high-performing manager owes his superior productivity to technology-enabled multitasking.

I beg to differ. And here are some good tips for the managers instead.

Maggie Jackson is the author of Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age:-

First, pay attention to your attention: be cognizant of when and where you are paying attention. Are you reacting to every ping? Notice when your responses to immediate calls on your attention squeeze out deeper relationships, fuller conversations, time to reflect. Notice when they keep you too rooted in the moment, and prevent you from taking time to think deeply and plan for the future.

Second, set aside slow time. I've become ferociously careful about setting aside time and space for quiet, deep reflection.

Personally, i am a strong follower who practices Covey's advise. His book First thing first guides each of us to align our day, week, month and year to focus on priorities of our life. Time management is not about doing more things in lesser time, but doing the important things with the right amount of time and priorities as we go through the day.

In summary technology must not be the distraction of our time and focus but be a useful tools to help us focus, organize and have some fun.

Good luck to my Sales Director pal!

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